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洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》





洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》第3集(共159册)




The Loeb Classical Library(洛布古典丛书)丛书最初由詹姆士?洛布(James Loeb)发起和赞助,于1912年面世,初时由海涅曼公司(William Heineman and company)出版,后来改由哈佛大学出版社出版,目前已出版了500多册的古希腊语和拉丁语的英文注释本。洛布丛书收入的作品种类繁多,含经史子集,希腊文作品为绿色封面,拉丁文作品为红色封面。

洛布古典丛书《The Loeb Classical Library》,是西方闻名遐迩的一套大型文献资料丛书,它合英美古典学者之力,经近一个世纪的翻译编纂而成。西方古典作品指中世纪以前用希腊文和拉丁文撰写的著作。这套丛书专门收录古希腊和罗马时期的文献典籍,几乎涵盖了全部古希腊文和拉丁文典籍,共收录210多位古典作家的作品,此外还包括作者已不可考的典籍譬如《十二铜表法》和在埃及发现的希腊文纸草文书等,时间跨度达1400年(公元前8世纪到公元7世纪)。这套丛书希腊文作品为绿色封面,拉丁文作品为红色封面。该丛书最初由美国人詹姆士·洛布(James Loeb)1910年构思策划,它的一个显著特征是以原文(希腊文、拉丁文)和英文对照出版,不仅受到一般读者的欢迎,而且还为攻读古典学、历史学、哲学、文学、政治学等相关专业的大学生提供了理想的古典文献读本,成为西方大学图书馆的必备文献工具书。该丛书现已出542卷, 由哈佛大学出版社全球发行。



001 L302-(1936) Lucian V [Harmon].pdf 180.15 MB
002 L303-(1935) Diodorus Siculus II - Library of History II_2.35-4.1-58 [Oldfather].pdf 183.07 MB
003 L304-(1938) Celsus II - On Medicine II_5 & 6 [Spencer].pdf 120.52 MB
004 L305-(1936) Plutarch - Moralia IV_263d-351b [Babbitt].pdf 159.14 MB
005 L306-(1936) Plutarch - Moralia V Isis and Osiris The E at Delphi The Oracles at Delphi No Longer Given in Verse The Obsolescence of Oracles [Babbitt].pdf 154.89 MB
006 L307-(1936) Aristotle XIV [Hett].pdf 148.73 MB
007 L308-(1941) Minor Attic Orators I - Antiphon & Andocides [Maidment].pdf 182.42 MB
008 L309-(1958) Cicero XII - Pro Sestio In Vatinium [Gardner].pdf 50.06 MB
009 L310-(1935) Seneca III - Moral Essays [Basore].pdf 137.99 MB
010 L311-(1936) Sextus Empiricus III - Against the Physicists. Against the Ethicists [Bury].pdf 69.78 MB
011 L313-(1936) Livy XI - History of Rome XI_38-39 [Sage].pdf 141.19 MB
012 L314-(1936) Remains of Old Latin II - Livius Andonicus Naevius Pacuvius Accius Fragments of Tragedies [Warmington].pdf 129.57 MB
013 L315-(1940) Ammianus Marcellinus II - Roman History II_20-26 [Rolfe].pdf 199.86 MB
014 L317-(1937) Aristotle XVI - Problems II_22-38 [Hett] Rhetorica ad Alexandrum [Rackham].pdf 140.41 MB
015 L318-(1936) Demosthenes IV - Private Orations I_27-40 [Murray].pdf 147.34 MB
016 L319-(1937) Dionysius of Halicarnassus I - The Roman Antiquities I_1-2 [Spelman rev Cary].pdf 160.57 MB
017 L320-(1937) Philo VII - On the Decalogue On the Special Laws 1-3 [Colson].pdf 219.97 MB
018 L321-(1936) Plutarch - Moralia X [Fowler].pdf 156.72 MB
019 L322-(1937) Tacitus V - The Histories [Moore] The Annals 13-16 [Jackson].pdf 116.90 MB
020 L323-(1937) Aristotle XII - Parts of Animals [Peck] Movement of Animals Progression of Animals [Forster].pdf 163.47 MB
021 L324-(1977) Cicero X - In Catilinam 1-4 Pro Murena Pro Sulla Pro Flacco [Macdonald].pdf 73.91 MB
022 L325-(1938) Aristotle I - The Categories on Interpretation [Cook] Prior Analytics [Tredennick].pdf 179.46 MB
023 L326-(1937) Josephus VIII - Jewish Antiquities VI_9-11 [Marcus].pdf 176.50 MB
024 L327-(1937) Athenaeus VI -- The Deipnosophists VI_13-14.653b [Gulick].pdf 179.91 MB
025 L328-(1938) Plautus V - Stichus Trinummus (Three Bob Day) Truculentus (Tale of a Traveling Bag) [Nixon].pdf 84.62 MB
026 L329-(1938) Remains of Old Latin III - Lucilius The Twelve Tables [Warmington].pdf 120.38 MB
027 L330-(1938) Pliny I - Natural History I_1-2 [Rackham].pdf 109.70 MB
028 L331-(1939) Ammianus Marcellinus III - Roman History III_27-31 Excerpta Valesiana [Rolfe].pdf 182.23 MB
029 L332-(1938) Livy XII - History of Rome XII_40-42 [Sage & Schlesinger].pdf 143.26 MB
030 L333-(1938) Varro I - On the Latin Language I_5-7 [Kent].pdf 152.24 MB
031 L334-(1938) Varro II - On the Latin Language II_8-10 [Kent].pdf 118.80 MB
032 L335-(1939) Greek Mathematics I - From Thales to Euclid [Thomas].pdf 133.51 MB
033 L336-(1938) Celsus III - On Medicine III_7-8 [Spencer].pdf 124.22 MB
034 L337-(1939) Plutarch - Moralia VI_439a-523b [Helmbold].pdf 152.26 MB
035 L338-(1939) Aristotle VI - On the Heavens [Guthrie].pdf 115.29 MB
036 L340-(1939) Diodorus Siculus III - Library of History III_4.59-8 [Oldfather].pdf 52.95 MB
037 L341-(1939) Philo VIII - On the Special Laws 4 On the Virtues On Rewards and Punishments [Colson].pdf 146.16 MB
038 L342-(1939) Cicero V - Brutus [Hendrickson] Oratory [Hubbell].pdf 146.38 MB
039 L344-(1940) Nonnos I - Dionysiaca I_1-15 [Rouse].pdf 168.97 MB
040 L345-(1941) Athenaeus VII -- The Deipnosophists VII_14.653b & 15 [Gulick].pdf 172.26 MB
041 L346-(1939) Demosthenes V - Private Orations II Nos. 41-49 [Murray].pdf 113.11 MB
042 L347-(1961) Dionysius of Halicarnassus II - Roman Antiquities II_3 & 4 [Cary].pdf 181.15 MB
043 L348-(1942) Cicero III - On the Orator I_1 & 2 [Sutton & Rackham].pdf 159.64 MB
044 L349-(1942) Cicero IV - On the Orator II_3 On Fate Stoic Paradoxes On the Divisions of Oratory [Rackham].pdf 53.05 MB
045 L350-(1940) Manetho - History of Egypt Ptolemy Tetrabiblos [Waddell].pdf 213.30 MB
046 L351-(1939) Demosthenes VI - Private Orations III_50-59 [Murray].pdf 143.58 MB
047 L352-(1942) Pliny II - Natural History II_3-7 [Rackham].pdf 184.34 MB
048 L353-(1940) Pliny III - Natural History III_8-11 [Rackham].pdf 182.50 MB
049 L354-(1960) Nonnos II - Dionysiaca II_16-35 [Rouse].pdf 179.44 MB
050 L355-(1940) Livy VI - History of Rome VI_23-25 [Moore].pdf 137.67 MB
051 L356-(1940) Nonnos III - Dionysiaca III_36-48 [Rouse].pdf 163.08 MB
052 L357-(1940) Dionysius of Halicarnassus III - Roman Antiquities III_5-6.48 [Spelman rev Cary].pdf 121.85 MB
053 L358-(1940) Dio Chrysostom - Discourses III_31-36 [Cohoon & Crosby].pdf 159.94 MB
054 L359-(1940) Remains of Old Latin IV - Archaic Inscriptions [Warmington].pdf 56.62 MB
055 L360-(1941) Select Papyri III - Literary Papyri Tragedies Comedies Mime Poetry [Page].pdf 150.85 MB
056 L361-(1940) Columella I - On Agriculture I_1-4 [Ash].pdf 147.58 MB
057 L362-(1941) Greek Mathematics II - From Aristarchus to Pappus [Thomas].pdf 202.06 MB
058 L363-(1941) Philo IX - Every Good Man is Free On the Contemplative Life On the Eternity of the World On Providence [Colson].pdf 166.84 MB
059 L364-(1943) Dionysius of Halicarnassus IV - Roman Antiquities IV_6.49 & 7 [Cary].pdf 123.15 MB
060 L365-(1943) Josephus IX - Jewish Antiquities V_12-13 [Marcus].pdf 225.78 MB
061 L366-(1943) Aristotle XIII - Generation of Animals [Peck].pdf 181.99 MB
062 L367-(1963) Livy VII - History of Rome VII_26 & 27 [Moore].pdf 138.03 MB
063 L368-(1946) Quintus Curtius I - History of Alexander I_1-5 [Rolfe].pdf 132.73 MB
064 L369-(1946) Quintus Curtius II - History of Alexander II_6-10 [Rolfe].pdf 180.22 MB
065 L370-(1945) Pliny IV - Natural History IV_12-16 [Rackham].pdf 160.81 MB
066 L371-(1940) Pliny V - Natural History V_17-19 [Rackham].pdf 153.86 MB
067 L372-(1945) Dionysius of Halicarnassus V - Roman Antiquities V_8 & 9.24 [Cary].pdf 119.14 MB
068 L373-(1945) Isocrates III [Van Hook].pdf 141.33 MB
069 L374-(1949) Demosthenes VII - Funeral Speech Erotic Essay 60 & 61 Exordia Letters [Dewit & Dewitt].pdf 107.91 MB
070 L375-(1946) Diodorus Siculus IV - Library of History IV_9-12.40 [Oldfather].pdf 61.61 MB
071 L376-(1946) Chrysostom Dio IV - Discourses IV Nos 37-60 [Crosby].pdf 133.82 MB
072 L377-(1947) Diodorus Siculus IX - Library of History IX 18 & 19.1-65 [Geer].pdf 60.42 MB
073 L378-(1947) Dionysius of Halicarnassus VI - Roman Antiquities VI_9.25-10 [Spelman rev Cary].pdf 129.77 MB
074 L379-(1962) Philo X - On the Embassy to Gaius [Colson] General Indexes I-IX [Earp].pdf 168.07 MB
075 L380-(1953) Philo XI - Supplement I Questions and Answers on Genesis [Marcus].pdf 197.35 MB
076 L381-(1949) Livy VIII - History of Rome VIII_28-30 [Moore].pdf 195.27 MB
077 L382-(1949) Sextus Empiricus IV - Against the Professors [Bury].pdf 53.20 MB
078 L384-(1950) Diodorus Siculus V - Library of History V_12.41-84 & 13 [Oldfather].pdf 58.04 MB
079 L385-(1951) Chrysostom Dio V - Discourses V Nos. 61-80 Letters [Crosby].pdf 133.51 MB
080 L386-(1949) Cicero II - On Invention The Best Kind of Orator Topics [Hubbell].pdf 137.41 MB
081 L387-(1949) Prudentius I - Preface Daily Round Divinity of Christ Origin of Sin Fight for Mansoul Against Symmachus 1 [Thomson].pdf 126.67 MB
082 L389-(1952) Diodorus Siculus VII - Library of History VII_15.20-95 & 16.1-65 [Sherman].pdf 153.91 MB
083 L390-(1954) Diodorus Siculus X - Library of History X_19.66-110 & 20 [Geer].pdf 59.38 MB
084 L391-(1960) Aristotle II - Posterior Analytics [Tredennick] Topics [Forster].pdf 227.22 MB
085 L392-(1961) Pliny VI - Natural History VI_20-23 [Jones].pdf 161.42 MB
086 L393-(1956) Pliny VII - Natural History VII_24-27 Index of Plants [Jones].pdf 174.97 MB
087 L394-(1952) Pliny IX - Natural History IX_33-35 [Rackham].pdf 124.73 MB
088 L395 (1954) Minor Attic Orators II - Lycurgus Dinarchus Demades Hyperides [Burtt].pdf 177.53 MB
089 L396-(1951) Livy XIII - History of Rome XIII_43-45 [Schlesinger].pdf 127.98 MB
090 L397-(1952) Aristotle VII - Meteorologica [Lee].pdf 141.28 MB
091 L398-(1953) Prudentius II - Symmachus Crowns of Martyrdom Scenes from History [Thomson].pdf 120.17 MB
092 L399-(1954) Diodorus Siculus VI - Library of History VI Books 14 & 15.1-19 [Oldfather].pdf 48.06 MB
093 L400-(1955) Aristotle III - Sophistical Refutations Coming-to-Be Passing-Away [Forster] On the Cosmos [Furley].pdf 132.04 MB
094 L401-(1953) Philo XII - Supplement II Questions & Answers on Exodus [Marcus].pdf 101.28 MB
095 L402-(1955) Caesar - Alexandrian African Spanish Wars [Way].pdf 125.73 MB
096 L403-(1954) Cicero IV - Rhetorica ad Herennium [Caplan].pdf 148.82 MB
097 L404-(1959) Livy XIV - History of Rome XIV Summaries Fragments Julius Obsequens General Index [Schlesinger].pdf 70.23 MB
098 L405-(1959) Plutarch - Moralia VII_523c-612b [DeLacy & Einarson].pdf 200.10 MB
099 L406-(1957) Plutarch - Moralia VII_920a-999b Moon-Face, Cold, Usefulness of Fire & Water, Land or Sea Animals, Beasts Are Rational, On the Eating of Flesh [Cherniss & Helmbold].pdf 175.59 MB
100 L407-(1954) Columella II - On Agriculture II_5-9 [Forster & Heffner].pdf 160.08 MB
101 L408-(1955) Columella III - On Agriculture III_10-12 On Trees [Forster & Heffner].pdf 52.27 MB
102 L409-(1957) Diodorus Siculus XI - Library of History XI Fragments 21-32 [Walton].pdf 59.22 MB
103 L411-(1957) Augustine IV - The City of God I_1-3 [McCracken].pdf 132.13 MB
104 L412-(1963) Augustine V - The City of God II_4-7 [Green].pdf 139.08 MB
105 L413-(1968) Augustine VI - The City of God III_8-11 [Weisen].pdf 65.74 MB
106 L414-(1966) Augustine VII - The City of God IV_12-15 [Levine].pdf 65.78 MB
107 L415-(1965) Augustine VIII -- The City of God V_16-18.35 [Sanford & Green].pdf 63.72 MB
108 L416-(1960) Augustine IX - The City of God VI_18.36-20 [Greene].pdf 122.86 MB
109 L417-(1972) Augustine X -- The City of God VII_21-22 [Green].pdf 56.88 MB
110 L418-(1963) Pliny VIII - Natural History VIII_28-32 Index of Fishes [Jones].pdf 171.90 MB
111 L419-(1962) Pliny X - Natural History X_36-37 [Eichholz].pdf 104.18 MB
112 L422-(1963) Diodorus Siculus VIII - Library of History 16.66-95 & 17 [Welles].pdf 63.65 MB
113 L423-(1967) Diodorus Siculus XII - Library of History XII Fragments 33-40 Index [Walton].pdf 100.98 MB
114 L424-(1969) Plutarch - Moralia VIII_612b-697c Table-talk 1-6 [Clement & Hoffleit].pdf 147.92 MB
115 L425-(1961) Plutarch - Moralia IX_697c-771e Table-Talk 7-9 The Dialogue on Love.pdf 123.36 MB
116 L426-(1965) Plutarch - Moralia XI_854e-874c, 911c-919f On the Malice of Herodotus Causes of Natural Phenomena.pdf 73.77 MB
117 L427-(1976) Plutarch -Moralia XIII_1 Platonic Essays [Cherniss].pdf 116.18 MB
118 L428-(1967) Plutarch - Moralia XIV_1086c-1147a [Einarson & DeLacy].pdf 142.76 MB
119 L429-(1966) Plutarch - Moralia XV Fragments [Sandbach].pdf 121.12 MB
120 L430-(1959) Lucian VI [Kilburn].pdf 144.10 MB
121 L431-(1961) Lucian VII - Dialogues of the Dead Sea-Gods Gods Courtesans [MacLeod].pdf 90.61 MB
122 L432-(1967) Lucian VIII [MacLeod].pdf 60.92 MB
123 L435-(1940) Ptolemy - Tetrabiblos 1-4 [Robbins].pdf 169.38 MB
124 L436-(1965) Babrius & Phaedrus - Fables [Perry].pdf 79.52 MB
125 L440-(1966) Plotinus I - Porphyry's Life of Plotinus The Enneads I_1-9 [Armstrong].pdf 22.77 MB
126 L441-(1966) Plotinus II - The Enneads II_1-9 [Armstrong].pdf 18.48 MB
127 L442-(1967) Plotinus III - Enneads III_1-6 (Armstrong).pdf 26.87 MB
128 L443-(1984) Plotinus IV - The Enneads IV_1-9 [Armstrong].pdf 29.09 MB
129 L444-(1984) Plotinus V -- The Enneads V_1-9 [Armstrong].pdf 20.08 MB
130 L445-(1988) Plotinus VI - The Enneads VI_1-5 [Armstrong].pdf 101.94 MB
131 L446-(1958) Aelian I - Characteristics of Animals I_1-5 [Scholfield].pdf 41.76 MB
132 L447-(1958) Cicero XIII - Pro Caelio, De Provinciis Consularibus, Pro Balbo [Gardner].pdf 103.66 MB
133 L448-(1959) Aelian II - Characteristics of Animals II_6-11 [Scholfield].pdf 46.15 MB
134 L449-(1959) Aelian III - Characteristics of Animals III_12-17 [Scholfield].pdf 52.82 MB
135 L450-(1971) Seneca VII - Naturales Quaestiones I_1-3 (Corcoran).pdf 82.28 MB
136 L453-(1989) Apuleius II- Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass) II_7-11 [Hanson].pdf 42.12 MB
137 L455-(1970 Herodian II - History of the Empire II_5-8 [Whittaker].pdf 41.32 MB
138 L461a-(1927) Greek Lyric Poetry III - Corinna, Bacchylides, Timotheus, Anonymous Fragments, Folk-Songs [Edmonds].pdf 181.75 MB
139 L461b-(1992) Greek Lyric Poetry IV [Campbell].pdf 32.69 MB
140 L463-(1974) Seneca the Elder I - Declarations I Controversiae 1-6 [Winterbottom].pdf 58.74 MB
141 L464-(1974) Seneca the Elder II - Declarations II Controversiae 7-10 Suasoriae Fragments [Winterbottom].pdf 69.84 MB
142 L468-(1988) Plotinus VII - The Enneads VI_6-9 [Armstrong].pdf 23.56 MB
143 L469-(1977) Manilius - Astronomica 1-5 [Goold].pdf 61.27 MB
144 L470-(1976) Plutarch - Moralia XIII_2 Stoic Essays [Cherniss].pdf 162.57 MB
145 L472-(1988) Hippocrates V - Affections Diseases 1 & 2 [Potter].pdf 90.90 MB
146 L473-(1988) Hippocrates VI - Diseases 3 Internal Affections [Potter].pdf 95.00 MB
147 L476-(1993) Greek Lyric Poetry V --The New School of Poetry Folk-Songs and Drinking-Songs [Campbell].pdf 38.52 MB
148 L477-(1994) Hippocrates VII - Epidemics 2-7 [Smith].pdf 100.13 MB
149 L480-(1993) Martial III - Epigrams III_11-14 [Bailey].pdf 76.77 MB
150 L481-(1995) Chariton - Callirhoe 1-8 [Goold].pdf 103.60 MB
151 L484-(1916) Euripides II - Children of Heracles Hippolytus Andromache Hecuba [Kovacs].pdf 40.41 MB
152 L488-(1924) Aristophanes II - The Peace The Birds The Frogs [Henderson].pdf 114.97 MB
153 L490-(1958) Josephus VI Jewish Antiquities 9-11 [Marcus].pdf 153.68 MB
154 L496-(1920) Greek Epic Poetry- Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns & Homerica [Evelyn-White].pdf 210.62 MB
155 L497-(2003) Greek Epic Fragments - From the VII-V Centuries BC, The Theban & Trojan Cycles, Heracles & Theseus [West].pdf 83.14 MB
156 L499-(2004) Plutarch -- Moralia XVI Index [O'Neil].pdf 185.68 MB
157 L510-(2011) Macrobius I - Saturnalia 1 & 2 [Kaster].pdf 131.47 MB
158 L511-(2011) Macrobius II - Saturnalia 3 & 4 [Kaster].pdf 110.91 MB
159 L512-(2011) Macrobius III - Saturnalia 5 & 6 [Kaster].pdf 114.09 MB
